
My McFate/Mikkelson spin of the Idris Project, I would like to acknowledge Steve Baker for his pioneering work here, and thank him sincerely for sharing. Thank you, Steve!


The project has been deployed on DigitalOcean’s “App Platform” at Updates pushed to the “main” branch here are automatically deployed at that address. Eventually, an alias of will also resolve to this App.


Similar to the Idris Project, the name here comes from my (maternal) grandfather, Henry (Helge) Mikkelson. According to Wikipedia, “The name Helge is derived from Proto-Norse Hailaga with its original meaning being dedicated to the gods.” When passing through Helgeland in Norway in June of 2019, I asked about the name at an information kiosk and the attendant their equated the term’s meaing to holy or blessed.

Mackenzie’s Project

While my name is attached to this repository and project, it’s really intended to be a vehicle for my daughter, Mackenzie Grace McFate, to expand her IT repatorie and keep the family’s history alive on the web. Ultimately you’ll find this site being auto-updated from .ged exports of McFate/Mikkelson family tree data collected by my late sister, Marlene McFate Burkheimer. The site will be a manifestation of data generated using Python and will appear as it does now, in a Hugo static web site.